KD's Blog

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Road Trip

We talked about going on a drive at some point of the weekend. Marc has wanted to drive around the Bay for awhile and since we didn't really have plans for the weekend, we thought it might be a great weekend for a road trip. Friday I came home with a debilitating headache and went to bed around 6:30. I woke up around 7 a.m. feeling much better. I did a little sewing then decided to wake Marc up. We went out for crepe's for breakfast then took off for Half Moon Bay. As we descended the costal mountains, the road was surrounded by pumpkin farms and fresh produce stands. Autumn! It feels like autumn in San Francisco, weather wise, but besides a few bushes here and there, the fall colors are nonexistent. We continued into town and it was very charming. It reminded us of the small towns in Door County. We stopped and shopped for awhile. Empty handed, we continued down highway 1. 

We took Highway 1 North of San Francisco and on our honeymoon and I was gripping the door handle most of the trip. Not only were the roads winding and steep, they were narrow and the lack of guardrails only contributed to our nervous feelings as we inched up the coast. In contrast, Highway 1 South is wide. It, too, has beautiful views of the Pacific, but it is not winding and even has guardrails on the steep cliffs. We pulled off on several overlooks to take pictures and breathe in the salty air. We were intending on taking Highway 1 for awhile then shooting over to San Jose' before looping around on the bay side. We reached the turn for San Jose', but we were enjoying the drive, so we decided to keep going. 

Santa Cruiz was the next major town we hit and we decided to pick up some picnic supplies. We gathered a few items then headed down to the beach. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a place to park. The beach was lined with a boardwalk on one end and an amusement park on the other. It seemed like a lot of fun, but the crowds were not what we were looking for. We headed down the road and found a State Beach. We pulled off and enjoyed a shady spot right on the ocean. The beach had a large dock to walk on where fishermen and tourists enjoyed the beautiful ocean views. 

After picnicking, we decided we were so close, only about 30 miles to Monterey, that we should continue down highway 1. It was a beautiful drive around Monterey Bay to the city of Monterey. We arrived around 4 and found the visitor center. Marc said we should just wear the same clothes tomorrow and stay overnight. I said we should go shopping and by new clothes and stay overnight. I won out on that one. 

We found a hotel, went shopping for some clothes, deodorant, and tooth brushes. After shopping, we ventured down to cannery row, an old sardine factory, which is now a touristy shopping center right on the ocean. We stopped in a few shops, took some pictures, and found a place to eat. 

On Sunday morning we walked around Fisherman's Wharf then drove around the old downtown area. We decided to drive down to the famous Pebble Beach golf course which is on the underside of the peninsula. We drove around the the 17 mile loop which was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately my camera battery died shortly after we started the loop so we didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked to. It was beautiful and really how we pictured the Pacific: large waves, bright blue and green water, rocks, and endless sea. Beautiful. I looks different in SF. We decided to head home after our tour. We took the interior route so we could go through San Jose'. We even went through Gilroy, the garlic capital of the world. San Jose' was hidden mostly behind sound barriers that surrounded the highways barreling through California's third largest city. We decided to continue home and venture into the city on another day. 

We have a lot of pictures from the weekend which I will be posting soon. If (when) you come to visit, Monterey is only about 2 hours south and I don't think it would be difficult to talk Marc into going back.      

Thursday, September 27, 2007

No Uncles

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. We are currently out of milk so my typical cereal meal was out. Looking around, I decided to cook up an egg. I finished cooking and put it on my plate when I noticed the counter looked like it was moving. ANTS! I was horrified and put my breakfast safely in the dining room. I squashed every one I saw. They were all over the counter and floor. We didn't have any food out. The kitchen was clean. We are not messy people! I finally decided to wake Marc up to help me. He found where they were coming in, the side door. He worked at cleaning them up there. After we had taken care of most of them, he showered and ran to the store to get some traps. Hopefully that will take care of them. Until then, we will be eating out! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Summer in SF

We are finally experiencing our summer in SF. When we stepped into the outside air last night, it was warm and inviting. We didn't feel the humidity we experienced in the Midwest over the weekend, but it was warmer than any evening I could remember in SF. Today is simply delightful. The high by WP was 77! I was shocked when I turned on my car at lunchtime. It feels so good. One student said it was supposed to be 90 by the end of the week, but we shall see. It is odd to be much over 75 here. October is supposed to be the most beautiful month of the year here in SF. There are plenty of weekends (only the weekend of October 12 is filled with visitors) so if anyone would like to come out, this might be your chance to experience truly beautiful weather, even in the fog belt. Marc and I found tickets right around $99 one way through Southwest. They were direct flights and we even received snacks on the return flight! 

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I didn't blog about my trip home because it was a surprise to our friend, Miguel. Marc told me about six weeks ago that he wanted to come home in September to see his family and to surprise Miguel. I told him if he's going, I'm going. Miguel's birthday is on September 25, so Marc and some others arranged a surprise party for him. From the background noise I heard, it sounded like fun. As for me, I am spending time with my family in Illinois. I would have liked to have gone with Marc, but with such a short trip, it was important to me to see my family. I went shopping yesterday, visited my grandparents, and saw 5 of my little boys last night. They were playing school and we eventually had a keroke session in the kitchen using a hairbrush as a microphone. When we were driving up to see them I was worried that little Paul wouldn't remember me and the rest would go about playing. When I walked in, Daulty said, "You're back!" and we all had a great time. When I left, the middle three latched onto my legs and asked me to stay. They didn't forget me after all.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Pictures! (take two)

I took these pictures yesterday in union square. I decided to celebrate birthdays for my brothers and their wives early since they all fall between now and November 2. I ventured down to union square to Crate and Barrel. I can't believe there isn't one closer, but it was a nice drive (only about 15 minutes) downtown to the three-floor store. I would have taken more pictures but my camera was taking the highest res. pictures and I only fit 8 on my card! Marc is going to let me use his card until I get a bigger one.  

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, I have the cord for my camera but blogger will not let me upload. Sorry. I will try tomorrow. 

I had to write my first detention today. I think it was the first one for the school year. I guess someone had to do it.  

I also accidentally saw something on Marc's computer...he is working on a redesign for my blog! It is very user friendly and looks great so far. He has been working on moving my old entries over into the new format and program. Stay tuned for the new improved KD's blog in the coming weeks!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I can't believe the pressure my students are under. I had a long talk with a parent today and the pressure to get in a good high school is unreal. The private high schools in SF are anywhere from $12,000-$30,000 a year! There are two exclusive public high schools and they are very difficult to get into. If you can pay to get into the private high schools, you are set, but many students want to get into the public schools. It is so hard to imagine that pressure at this age. All I had to do is graduate 8th grade! 

Say Cheese

My fabulous husband bought me a new camera for our six month anniversary. I was going to take some pictures and upload them but I forgot the cord...I will have to do it later. I took a picture of our 7th grade flower lap (woo hoo) and will try to find something more interesting between here and home this evening. It is a fun little camera and I can't wait to take some pictures of my nephews.

I feel released from my coffee chains and it is great. One day in the fog for a week out of it I guess! More later... 

Monday, September 17, 2007


No, not to another HGTV show. Coffee. This usually only happens during Christmas after I receive a stack of gift cards from my students. I have been a little sluggish in the morning so I have been picking up a latte' before work. Peet's is my new favorite although Starbuck's will do when the parking is backed up by Peet's. Anyway, I decided to break myself. I had a headache yesterday and I feel downright crabby and tired today. No more daily coffee for me! Well, maybe only on Fridays.

Friday, September 14, 2007

There is always one...

Today I thought it would be a good idea to do two labs. Fridays are a little more laid back and it seemed like a great idea. I arrived around the same time I normally do and mixed up my "mystery solution" for the eighth grade lab. I even added blue food color so that they could read the levels better. That lab went well except my students still don't know the difference between mass and volume. We went over it right before the lab. It was on the board. Our last lab (on Tuesday) dealt with mass and volume. This was my first indication that Friday labs might not be that great of an idea. 

My second lab was with the sixth grade. They are unusually chatty and wild. Add a little electricity (literally!) and they are wound. We did a lab on evaporation. We went over the directions and safety. We talked about the risks and how much I really want to keep my job. We talked about the temptation of a pipette and wanting to play with it. But no, there is always one. I have not sent many to the principal's office. I sent them to Chad for the last few years, but this one went straight to Mrs. Finley. There is always one.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Paid Blogger

Marc and I switched vehicles for the last few days because he has been going to different locations for staff retreats. Yesterday he went to Fort Mason (www.fortmason.org) for a large team meeting and group building activity. The day began with presentations then they were divided into small groups. Each group was given a video recorder to create a short movie using the words "spy," "fuzzy," and "duck." After a four hour video shoot, thye had dinner, watched the movies and were given awards for their efforts. Unfortunately, Marc's group did not win any acting awards. He did have fun. Today he is with just his team from SF and they are paragliding!

Anyway, back to the car swap. I miss my satellite radio. I was listening to a local station and they were talking about their blogs. One DJ pays someone to do his blog each day! I wanted to let my faithful readers know that I am, in fact, typing my own blog. If that changes, I will let you know.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am absolutely exhausted from last night. We had our back to school night (orientation night for all of you HCLers). I didn't get home until after 9. I had six 15 minute presentations back to back without a break. I should have hired a video crew to tape the first one and I could have popped it in for the other classes to watch. Some groups were really laughing and kept me going but a few were a little stiff. Overall, I think it went well. My friend, Les, told me that I was "effervescent and knowledgeable. A perfect combination." He is the best.

I think teaching a new subject has breathed some life into my teaching soul. I feel like I am connecting with students in a meaningful way again. I am not saying that I didn't connect at all last year or previous years, but I surprisingly do not feel stressed or crabby. I was much more tired the past few years and didn't like to do work outside of school. I would have certainly had a crabby day by now! I don't think I will teach science again next year, but I feel very energized. Doing experiments has reminded me the importance of letting students get up and move around the classroom more. The forty-five minutes fly by most days. I have found some passion for a subject that I never thought I had! Balance beams are fun! Cleaning equipment is not so fun, but I am thankful for the new challenges God has brought my way.  

Monday, September 10, 2007

Strip Mall

Teaching middle school students, you become very accustomed to pages in text books you should skim instead of read out loud or problems to avoid. For example, there was a problem in my 8th grade English book like this: Rearrange the following phrase to create a possessive noun: The hat Mr. Dix owns. Who writes problems like that? 

Today I don't even remember what reference I was making, but I mentioned something about strip malls. They must go by a different name in SF.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Deer in Headlights

It is interesting to learn all the idiosyncrasies of a culture and area while working in a different corner of the country. Today I used the phrase "deer in headlights" which is much beloved in the north woods (der hay). After saying it, I had even more deer in the headlights. We talked about it awhile and then we started talking about hunting. They were so interested in hearing every detail. Before we moved back to scientific inquiry, one kid raised his hand and asked with wide eyes, "Mrs. Dennert, do you have a rifle at...your house?"

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In a Row

Well who is next on the, "Where's your blog," campaign? Two days in a row now how do you like that? I am happy to have faithful blog readers. It is appreciated. I will try to upload some pictures soon.

I really love short weeks. It has gone by so quickly! I don't have lunch duty this week so the time just flies on by. 

We had one of my coworkers, Katie B., over for dinner. She has so much energy that Marc and I felt wound up when she left. We had a great time and it is always great to talk shop after hours. Marc is understanding and listens even though he doesn't know who we are talking about most of the time.

Anyway, not a lot new here. My students have been great except one of my eighth grade classes noticed I do "jazz hands" sometimes when I teach. They giggled at me but were still exceptional today. I am waiting for the honeymoon to end....or maybe they are just this good all the time. Maybe their uniforms help. Overall, things are great in the usually sunny (at least lately) San Francisco. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lazy Blogger

Now my mom is telling me to keep up with my blog. I have been lazy. Marc and I did a lot around our house this weekend, but I just haven't been blogging. Sorry. I sewed a little on Monday and hope to work on my quilt again soon. (hint, hint:) I did sew some bibs for the accountant at our school who is expecting a boy in just a few days. I will have Marc change the batteries in the camera and take some pictures before I wrap them and give them away. I really enjoy sewing them because they are fast and oh, so cute. 

I did not work on school work over the weekend. My last class leaves at 3:10 and we are required to stay until 4 everyday so I get a lot done after school. I also have about an hour or more before school so last week Marc and I vegged out in front of the TV almost every night. We were pretty much on a TV diet for the last few years and lately we can't seem to get enough! We are addicted to our DVR so we don't have to watch commercials. I have been watching a lot of HGTV especially design star (guilty pleasure...go Kim!) and mission organization. As soon as it's over I want to go throw stuff away! It is very motivational. For all my little pack-rat friends...tune in!

Tonight, on the other hand, has been work, work, work. I stayed a little later at school to talk to my friend, Les. I could talk with him for hours. He is so inspirational to me and we get along like old friends. I think language arts teachers are kindred spirits. There is something about the love of words that binds souls together. It also takes a special person to love grammar. Anyway, I came home and finished thank you notes for other random things people did for us. Our wedding thank you's were officially done yesterday and sent today. (woo hoo!)  I can't believe it has been almost 6 months and I am embarrassed they are so late! (Technically we have a year but it is late for me!) I hope people are understanding. I know I just wrote about how all we do is watch TV, but we have moved across the country recently and we do work full time jobs! Afterward, I worked on correcting some papers--students turned in their scrapbook pages for me today and they are quite amazing. I have some artists in my classes and particularly in the eighth grade. It was fun to read their mini essays and see the pictures they included. I fee like I will never know all their names! 

I am too tired to grade anymore. I am off to bed for the evening. Happy Birthday to Jon! I hope you had a marvelous day. I just put your card in the mail but I think you will like it...

Mom and Marc...I will try to keep up with my blogs! Ho hum goodnight.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Neglecting the Blog

Marc told me that I am neglecting my blog, but it has been pretty routine here. I finished out my first week of school. (Yes, we had school on Friday HCLers.) We went out to eat with a few of my coworkers then spent our Saturday doing some work around our house. Today Marc went mountain biking with one of my coworkers (Eric) who is taking him to the supposed county where mountain biking began. To celebrate the boys being gone, Teresa, Eric's wife and also a teacher at my school is throwing a tea party for me and some of the other teachers. I made a tart and I am hoping it is as good as it looks. I was going to make fruit tartlets but I can't find the phillo dough tartlets that I have used in the past. I had phillo dough sheets so I decided to make a crust for a larger tart. I usually use vanilla pudding as the base but since it is a larger size, I didn't know if the pudding would fit the bill. After looking at several tart recipes online, I made my own recipe. I mixed cream cheese, vanilla, brown sugar,  and powered sugar and layered the pastry with that. I put a thin layer of blackberry jam on top of the cream cheese mixture then used vanilla pudding to top it off. I put fresh blueberries, and raspberries with mandarin oranges and it looks good enough for a tea party. I hope it tastes as good as it looks! I was going to put a picture online but the camera has dead batteries...you will have to use your imagination.