KD's Blog

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I didn't blog about my trip home because it was a surprise to our friend, Miguel. Marc told me about six weeks ago that he wanted to come home in September to see his family and to surprise Miguel. I told him if he's going, I'm going. Miguel's birthday is on September 25, so Marc and some others arranged a surprise party for him. From the background noise I heard, it sounded like fun. As for me, I am spending time with my family in Illinois. I would have liked to have gone with Marc, but with such a short trip, it was important to me to see my family. I went shopping yesterday, visited my grandparents, and saw 5 of my little boys last night. They were playing school and we eventually had a keroke session in the kitchen using a hairbrush as a microphone. When we were driving up to see them I was worried that little Paul wouldn't remember me and the rest would go about playing. When I walked in, Daulty said, "You're back!" and we all had a great time. When I left, the middle three latched onto my legs and asked me to stay. They didn't forget me after all.


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