KD's Blog

Monday, September 10, 2007

Strip Mall

Teaching middle school students, you become very accustomed to pages in text books you should skim instead of read out loud or problems to avoid. For example, there was a problem in my 8th grade English book like this: Rearrange the following phrase to create a possessive noun: The hat Mr. Dix owns. Who writes problems like that? 

Today I don't even remember what reference I was making, but I mentioned something about strip malls. They must go by a different name in SF.


Blogger deb h said...

I was just telling your mom today
about how crazy different things
are in CA than around here. I
thought the differences between here and Chicago were bad, but it's
like they live in a different country or something out there. Adam gets really frustrated at times at how weird things are out there. What a great experience for
all of you to get a taste of different lifestyles. Hope things
are going well. Don't know if your
mom told you or not, but Amanda's
wedding is Jan, 2009 in Galena.
Tell Marc that Jim Thome is one of
the groomsmen, so he'll have to
try and get out for the wedding!
Can't wait to see you when you're
here in a couple of weeks. love, deb

September 11, 2007 at 6:37 PM  
Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

I told him to mark it on his calendar! How exciting!

September 12, 2007 at 7:58 AM  

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