KD's Blog

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lazy Blogger

Now my mom is telling me to keep up with my blog. I have been lazy. Marc and I did a lot around our house this weekend, but I just haven't been blogging. Sorry. I sewed a little on Monday and hope to work on my quilt again soon. (hint, hint:) I did sew some bibs for the accountant at our school who is expecting a boy in just a few days. I will have Marc change the batteries in the camera and take some pictures before I wrap them and give them away. I really enjoy sewing them because they are fast and oh, so cute. 

I did not work on school work over the weekend. My last class leaves at 3:10 and we are required to stay until 4 everyday so I get a lot done after school. I also have about an hour or more before school so last week Marc and I vegged out in front of the TV almost every night. We were pretty much on a TV diet for the last few years and lately we can't seem to get enough! We are addicted to our DVR so we don't have to watch commercials. I have been watching a lot of HGTV especially design star (guilty pleasure...go Kim!) and mission organization. As soon as it's over I want to go throw stuff away! It is very motivational. For all my little pack-rat friends...tune in!

Tonight, on the other hand, has been work, work, work. I stayed a little later at school to talk to my friend, Les. I could talk with him for hours. He is so inspirational to me and we get along like old friends. I think language arts teachers are kindred spirits. There is something about the love of words that binds souls together. It also takes a special person to love grammar. Anyway, I came home and finished thank you notes for other random things people did for us. Our wedding thank you's were officially done yesterday and sent today. (woo hoo!)  I can't believe it has been almost 6 months and I am embarrassed they are so late! (Technically we have a year but it is late for me!) I hope people are understanding. I know I just wrote about how all we do is watch TV, but we have moved across the country recently and we do work full time jobs! Afterward, I worked on correcting some papers--students turned in their scrapbook pages for me today and they are quite amazing. I have some artists in my classes and particularly in the eighth grade. It was fun to read their mini essays and see the pictures they included. I fee like I will never know all their names! 

I am too tired to grade anymore. I am off to bed for the evening. Happy Birthday to Jon! I hope you had a marvelous day. I just put your card in the mail but I think you will like it...

Mom and Marc...I will try to keep up with my blogs! Ho hum goodnight.


Blogger Debra said...

Did I say that??? I don't remember saying that...Oh well, it was really nice to read a fresh blog! The blog was so interesting and informative. I especially loved your comment..."It also takes a special person to love grammar." I agree. My version would be... "it takes a special person to love Greek!" I totally understand and I'm glad that God placed Les in your life. We all need someone who "talks our language" (loves things we love). Thanks for the great blog. I Love you. Mom

September 5, 2007 at 11:15 AM  

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