KD's Blog

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Neglecting the Blog

Marc told me that I am neglecting my blog, but it has been pretty routine here. I finished out my first week of school. (Yes, we had school on Friday HCLers.) We went out to eat with a few of my coworkers then spent our Saturday doing some work around our house. Today Marc went mountain biking with one of my coworkers (Eric) who is taking him to the supposed county where mountain biking began. To celebrate the boys being gone, Teresa, Eric's wife and also a teacher at my school is throwing a tea party for me and some of the other teachers. I made a tart and I am hoping it is as good as it looks. I was going to make fruit tartlets but I can't find the phillo dough tartlets that I have used in the past. I had phillo dough sheets so I decided to make a crust for a larger tart. I usually use vanilla pudding as the base but since it is a larger size, I didn't know if the pudding would fit the bill. After looking at several tart recipes online, I made my own recipe. I mixed cream cheese, vanilla, brown sugar,  and powered sugar and layered the pastry with that. I put a thin layer of blackberry jam on top of the cream cheese mixture then used vanilla pudding to top it off. I put fresh blueberries, and raspberries with mandarin oranges and it looks good enough for a tea party. I hope it tastes as good as it looks! I was going to put a picture online but the camera has dead batteries...you will have to use your imagination.


Blogger Debra said...

Ohhh Katie, it sounds delicious. I hope you had a fun time at your tea party! Love you, Mom

September 2, 2007 at 1:39 PM  
Blogger deb h said...

Sounds like you must be taking
after your dad, Kate! Hope Marc
makes it through the mountain biking safely. Enjoy your first
holiday in CA. Adam says he's
ready for a good thunder storm!
I was telling him about our storms
in the area last week and he said
that was the only bad thing about
out there! love to both, deb

September 3, 2007 at 9:57 AM  

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