KD's Blog

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Prime Time

With the assistance of Marc, the wallpaper is completely off and cleaned up. It wasn't too bad and now we are ready to prime. I am priming the walls tomorrow and Saturday we are going curtain shopping at IKEA and the mall. We have both found that it is a lot easier to match the paint to the curtains instead of the curtains to the paint. We know we want to paint the room a blue/green, but the exact shade is to be determined.
The ugly sconce also got a face lift. I painted it silver and even found new glass shades, but they were too big. You can really see the gross paper here! Enjoy the ugly pictures! 

We received a call late tonight from Rebekah, the owner of the other place we really liked. She said the doctors she was going to rent it fell through and it could be ours...we are happy with our little yellow house.


Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

I am sorry about the layout. It looks one way on my mac, another on a pc, and the preview mode isn't even correct for me! I hope you can read it ok.

July 20, 2007 at 7:19 AM  
Blogger Debra said...

Katie: I'm so happy that you love your yellow house. I do too! Isn't it great the way God puts up roadblocks to direct us! Love you

July 20, 2007 at 8:26 AM  

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