KD's Blog

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Big Job

I forgot my camera again so I came back to the temp house to eat lunch and take it with me. The wall paper is coming off fairly well. One wall came up with no effort or releasing agent. Thanks to my best friend, Lisa, I am a semi-pro wall paper taker-offer. We took off some that really didn't want to come off in her house. I almost feel guilty that this is coming off so well. I am 2/3 the way done with one of the other walls. The top part is coming off with no problem. There is a thin layer of paper with adhesive under it and it is coming off after I spray it with Diff and scrape it off. Pictures later today...


Blogger AndreaLW said...

I feel for you. Wallpaper is a nightmare. I mean I've had nightmares about wallpaper. Summer school is finished! Makayla is staying over tonight. I showed her the pictures of you house. She said, "It's pretty!" Have a good night!! We're going outside to play.

July 19, 2007 at 5:43 PM  
Blogger AndreaLW said...

Oops! Typo! I should've said your instead of you. I have to correct it. That must be the teacher in me!!:)

July 19, 2007 at 5:45 PM  
Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

I know the feeling!

July 19, 2007 at 8:51 PM  

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