KD's Blog

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


We have the keys! We looked the place over with our new landlord, Ed, and signed away. There are only two things that really bugged me about the house: the two types of wallpaper in the living room and the back yard. One wall in the living room had wallpaper from the 70s. It is textured orange and brown stripes. (If you look closely on the picture of the dining room with the black light fixture from yesterday's blog, you can sort-off see it.) Two of the other walls are in a white on gray stripe from the 80's. The fourth wall was in the color of fresh paint like the rest of the walls in the upstairs. It was really strange to see such an odd combo since the rest of the downstairs was completely redone. 

The backyard is another eyesore. It is overgrown with weeds and needs to be raked. There is a pear tree in the back yard full of pears. (They should be ready in two weeks!) It also has two other lovely trees of good size. As we were discussing terms, I asked if we could do some touch-up paint in the spots where there was wear and tear. He said we can paint any room whatever color we wanted if we didn't get too wild. I was going to wait to broach the wallpaper issue, but I decided to give it a go... he said we can redo it so I will be stripping wallpaper in the next few days. We are excited to be able to take some ownership in the space. As for the backyard, the landlord is going to hire a gardener to come and clean it out then we are going to take it from there. It has a lot of potential so we are really excited about it. I forgot my camera so I will take some before and after pictures and post them tomorrow. Thanks so much for reading!


Blogger deb h said...

You sound like us when we bought
the house we're in! It had the
craziest wallpaper in the kitchen.
We had half of an apple tree, a cherry tree that was probably 20 ft
tall and as big around as a stick with one cherry at the very top!
The Jr. High fence was over grown
with some vine that was even growing up into the tree. My dad and I hauled truckload after truck
load of brush out of there. And
our yard is beautiful now. As
creative as you are, you'll have
no problem making this a show
place. I hear your mom and dad are
really great at painting!! I'm so
happy for you and Marc. 6 more
days!! love, deb h

July 19, 2007 at 5:40 AM  
Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

Where are you flying into when you come? What can I do to help you while you are here?

July 19, 2007 at 7:22 AM  

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