KD's Blog

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

95% Ours

Ed called us at 10:20 pm pacific and if we have jobs (which we do) we have the place! We won the San Francisco housing game! We need to fax him letters from both of our workplaces and we can sign on Saturday. In all honesty, we are really lucky to have a place so soon. The first property we actually went to see was on Saturday. In all, we looked at 5 places. (Only 3 of them we liked.) It is a beautiful 5 minute drive to my school through a very nice upper class neighborhood and about a 12 minute (with no traffic) drive for Marc. Thank you for all of your thoughts, support, and prayers! (Pictures of the inside of the house.)


Blogger Bill & Deb said...

(Deb says) God is Good! This is just where He planned for you to be all along! Can't wait to see it. I hope most of the unpacking is done when we come in less than three weeks so we can play and not work!!! (that was MY prayer!! ha ha)

July 18, 2007 at 6:41 AM  
Blogger deb h said...

YEAH!!!! It looks so cute. The
wood floors look great. All things
in God's time, huh? Congrats.
One week from today we'll be in
CA!!! love ya, deb h

July 18, 2007 at 7:30 AM  
Blogger AndreaLW said...

I'm super happy for you. It really looks great! Wish I could help you unpack. That is the worst job but can be fun! I have one more day of summer school, yeah! Now I have to get ready for the real school year. Take care!

July 18, 2007 at 2:19 PM  
Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

Andrea, you should book your plane tickets now that we have a place:) We have a lot of storage space so we can just continue to move my untouched college things from one storage place to the next without even unpacking them--just like I have been doing for 7 years and 4 moves! Thanks for your comments!!:)

July 18, 2007 at 10:18 PM  

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