KD's Blog

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hills, Hills, and More Hills!

Today I dropped Marc off at work and went in search of a All-Star game T-Shirt for my sport-loving nephew, Dallas. Marc's work is right down the street from the ballpark, so I thought I would be able to find a street vendor or store selling shirts. I did not have much luck, but I did find him a pennant at Walgreens. Maybe I will have more luck tomorrow when the game is actually going to be taking place.

I also spent some time in my new classroom and meeting some of the teachers I will be working with. Good or bad, I tried to remember what they taught since I have had a barrage of names thrown at me; I will at least know what they teach and can go from there!

After catching up on some e-mail, I decided to take a walk to a place I spotted while driving. The hills are so steep! SF would be a great place to go in training for Harney Peak! I found a little downtown area with restaurants, boutiques, and shops. It reminded me a little of the East Side atmosphere. The Paper Source is one of the dozens of shops and it was fun to actually see it in person. Marc and I ordered things from them for our wedding invitations and Nick and Jessica's invitations, but I had never been to the actual store. I am thinking of signing up for a class that takes place this week.

It is sun-shiny here and still a bit on the chilly side. Sorry there is not much new today. I would love to give you some more pictures, but Marc's camera is bulky to haul around. (Hint, hint, Marcus:) I will haul it over to Marc's work when I pick him up and take a few pictures so you can see his building.

Feel free to leave me comments to let me know how you are doing as well!


Blogger Writing Teacher78 said...

Comments are welcome...including ones asking if I know what game is going on in the city I live in. Not to mention the hundreds of signs plastered all over the scenery... Yes, I changed the "World Series" to the correct game. Thank you Jack:)

July 10, 2007 at 7:33 PM  

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