KD's Blog

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Portal to the Pacific

We attended church at West Portal this morning. We were warmly welcomed by the parishioners and the principal. These are pictures of the church, the building I will be teaching in, and the view of the Pacific in the distance. It is a beautiful campus and the people of the church are beautiful as well. It is quite a different atmosphere then HCL, but similar in feel to my hometown congregation (same new hymnal!). I look forward to taking our (hopefully many) visitors there.

We took a tour of the school and found out they have two stages! When I saw one of them, I laughed and thought of my friend and co-writer/producer/director, Judy, because next to one of the stages was a large rolling whiteboard. We contended with a large rolling whiteboard every year that seemed to appear in our wings and take space away from our actors. Even if we found it a new temporary home, the next practice it would be wheeled into our way again. It seems each stage has its own phantom whiteboard that gets in the way.  
After church we looked around the surrounding area for grocery stores and possible apartments. We also went down to the National Park on the Pacific Ocean (the close-up picture of the ocean) and found where the SF Zoo is located. After lunch, we adventured across the Bay Bridge to find Target. I was in heaven--the Target was two stories with an esclator in the middle! Then we drove around Berkley and Emeryville. Berkley has so many fun shops and street vendors. I could spend many days walking around and exploring which I will do soon. We would love to live in Emeryville, but having to commute across the Bay Bridge every morning would not be fun, however, it is a great place to visit and shop. On our way home we ventured past the All-Star Game area, close to Marc's office, which was busy and a-buzz with people. Marc's first day of work is tomorrow!  
Happy 1st Birthday, Nicholas!!


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