KD's Blog

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Countdown to Moving

I had a great time "up north" with my family over the weekend. When I first started teaching in the Milwaukee area, my students often said that they were going "up north" for the weekend. I always asked where or what city, but they usually shrugged and said, "I don't know, up north?" It seems the phenomena of "up north" includes all the area north of Milwaukee to the Canadian and Michigan borders. I thought it was a Milwaukee thing to call it such, but it is amazing to see the "up north" merchandise you can purchase as well. We didn't purchase any. 
Anyway, we had a wonderfully relaxing time at the cabin. My mom and I spent most of the time in town (we are city girls at heart) or at the Amish auction (and shoppers). It was held down the road from the cabin we were staying at. The auction was organized to help families pay all or part of their tuition for their school. It was amazing to see the handiwork that people spent weeks and months working on. We waited patiently for a bookshelf that we wanted for my nephew, Nicholas's room. He is turning one on Sunday, and my mom wanted to get it for his birthday. Unfortunately, they wanted to auction all of the large pieces and quilts first so we had to wait several hours. Finally we watched the bookshelf move up the line of items and finally on stage. We eagerly bid and all of the people around us decided not to bid since we had been waiting all day and didn't bid on anything else. 

Hopefully I can post some pictures from our weekend with the assistance of my husband. I will also post some pictures from the holga camera as soon as we develop them. 

The moving team is going to be here to pack us on Thursday, move it out on Friday, and off we go on Saturday! It will be a quick week. I will be sure to update more regularly when we are in SF. 

Ooo..I think I figured this picture mode out. I have one picture on my computer. It is of my nephew, Tommy, who after seeing it on the camera said, "I am cute!"
More pictures soon!
Happy 4th! 


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