KD's Blog

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Other pictures...

If you want to see all of 
the pictures I uploaded today, you might have to click on the August Archive or click on previous blogs. The first post for today is titled "dining room" so look for that. I wanted to divide them up because the pictures paste in strange ways and the program isn't sophisticated enough to allow me to manipulate them. My pre-publish view is very different from what actually posts.

Saying that, here is a conglomeration of pictures...

The stairs going up to the kitchen from the yellow arts/crafts room.

The "chandelier" in the upstairs hallway. I have tried to clean it...I am glad my mom is coming! Hopefully she can help me finish it to it's 1950s luster.

Speaking of 1950s luster, this little alcove with my retro Mona Lisa picture must have been the location of the telephone. We actually do have a landline at our house but I am not sure what the number is...

The little pink bird on the yellow fabric is my creative outpour when I could no longer unpack boxes...he is going to be my little coaster next to my sewing machine.

Our laundry machine which is next to that little bathroom. I am going to paint it and hopefully give it some new life. The home dec. shows say that you should make your small pocket bathrooms, the ones guests will most likely use, the most attention. We shall see...

Finally, our little mailbox which has been quite empty...if you need our address, feel free to e-mail me and I'll send it to you! Hint..hint... 

I had more pictures to share with you, but I think I hit the limit because it is not letting me upload them...more tomorrow!


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